+ How should I prepare my files for mixing?
Please read the following guide for preparing your files, I am happy to answer further questions if you have any, just get in touch.
I perform my mixes in Pro Tools, so if you have recorded in Pro Tools you can simply send me the Pro Tools session folder and all of it's contained elements. For specifics please read "How should I prepare my Pro Tools session?"
If you have used any other recording software then you will need to export or bounce the individual tracks as either WAV or AIFF audio files.
I would prefer a minimum quality of 44.1khz sample rate and 24 bit files. If you have recorded at higher sample rates than that please do send the files at the quality you have recorded at.
You will need to make sure all of the tracks are bounced or exported from the same start point in your session, usually the very beginning of your session, or a logical point before the track starts. This way when I import your files to mix they will all line up as they should, as opposed to having a big audio jigsaw.
When you bounce or export your files please set your tracks fader levels at 0 so that the resulting files are not too quiet or clipping. Please also mute or bypass any reverb or delay effects, unless they are integral to the sound. For example, a very specific delay on a synth or guitar. If there is an issue with a bounced file I will just get in touch to ask for an alternative bounce.
It is sometimes useful to include a "monitor mix" or "rough mix that you have done. This can be useful to let me know how you have been listening to your song so far and roughly how you anticipate the balance of the tracks.
+ How should I prepare my Pro Tools session?
Firstly, if you are using any plugins that are integral to your production (amp simulation, specific effects that are essential to a sound such as specific delays on a synth or guitar) than you should Commit those to audio; either right click on the track name and select "Commit" to render all inserts, or right click on the specific required and select "Commit up to this Insert".
A good way to make the session folder size a little smaller, without affecting your original session, is to select File > Save Copy In and then make sure your tick the "Items to Copy" boxes for Audio Files and Main Playlist Only. This will copy only the active "top" playlist on each track, discarding all alternative playlists from the new session copy.
You can then select a destination to save this Copy to and you are ready to transfer it to myself.
+ Do You Also Master The Tracks?
Mastering and mixing are two quite different disciplines and you will mostly find that the world's top mastering engineers, some of which I've had the pleasure of seeing in action, do little else but their specialised job. In short, mastering is the final processing that is performed after the mix, usually with just the stereo file, and part of the job is actually just an alternative pairs of ears to have a final check of the mix.
That is why I would usually recommend you send your mixes to a dedicated mastering engineer to be mastered, and I can recommend some great mastering engineers for a range of budgets.
However, I also understand that budgets are often very tight and within your mix package I will provide a Listening Master. This is initally for you to listen to your song at the sort of dynamic level that it would be after mastering, however you are more than welcome to, and many clients do, use this Listening Master as your final master.
+ How Long Will It Take?
I can't give a definite answer as there are a lot of variables such as how many tracks you want me to mix, how many projects I have booked in the current time period etc. However, I do hate to keep people waiting and I will aim to get your mixes completed promptly, in days if possible and weeks at most.
If you have a genuinely pressing deadline, rather than general impatience (we all hate waiting!), then please let me know in your initial contact and I will try, where possible, to accomodate your deadline.
+ How and When Do I Make My Payment?
When you have booked your mix session via the "Book Your Mix Now" contact page, I will be in touch to discuss any specifics of your project. When we are ready to go ahead I will email you a Paypal invoice which will offer you the facility to pay using many different payment Cards and options. You do not require a Paypal account to do this.
Once payment has been received I can begin work on your mixes. The payment up front is to protect the hours of work I will put in to your project and allows me to send you the full quality and un-interrupted or "watermarked" version of your mix as soon as I have completed it.
You will find that companies that do not receive upfront payment will add glitches to the initial mixes they send to protect their work, I would rather you hear the mix in all it's glory first time around!
+ What Will I Receive In My Mix Package?
When you have signed off on your initial mix you will be sent a package with your:
Main Mix
Listening Master (with added Mastering processing)
and where appropriate:
Instrumental (minus vocals)
A Capella (just vocals)
Performance Mix (minus lead vocal)